'human resources, not human remains'
book out now

The purpose of the book is to influence the HR Community that it is alright to talk about the taboo subjects. HR is really the School of HR and all that it does. The book provides humour to enable you to navigate HR scenarios with professional integrity intact.

Now available in paperback and Kindle formats! 

'Human Resources, not Human Remains' - now available on Amazon


This book is for you, to give you a glance into the realms of HR along with the people nuances. It is a snapshot and brief encounter of HR gained through knowledge and experience over the years. It provides a sharing of HR knowledge through fun stories and lessons learned.

The stories contained within the book are all indicative of real world experiences – here we are pushing the boundaries of transparency. You could not make this stuff up!

Where emotional feelings are almost like the fall out of a car crash, when things go wrong and scary and we need to minimise the blow. Not like a car crash, the end result is for HR to be unscathed and unscared by Human Remains.


This book is for you, to give you a glance into the realms of HR along with the people nuances. It is a snapshot and brief encounter of HR gained through knowledge and experience over the years. It provides a sharing of HR knowledge through fun stories and lessons learned.

The stories contained within the book are all indicative of real world experiences – here we are pushing the boundaries of transparency. You could not make this stuff up!

Where emotional feelings are almost like the fall out of a car crash, when things go wrong and scary and we need to minimise the blow. Not like a car crash, the end result is for HR to be unscathed and unscared by Human Remains.

The Making of 'Human Resources not Human Remains'

I recently caught up with Katie Drummond of Syme Drummond to discuss what prompted me to put pen to paper, the lessons learned from writing the book and the many lessons learned from the scenarios within it. This book is a culmination of 30 years of HR experience, working in different organisations, cities and cultures across the globe.

The HR book with a twist!

As HR professionals we are called upon to be the voice of reason in very human, often emotive situations. From reading the book, you will learn that these situations can run the gamut – from the every day to the taboo. The aim of the book is to help you find the way to navigate even the most challenging of scenarios with professionalism and integrity.

With extensive HR Experience of over three decades, there have been highs and lows on my journey however, my legacy will be that I continue to grow with integrity and stay true to my authentic self. It is my hope that by sharing these stories the HR community can learn from them and also find a way to navigate some of the tougher aspects of the role whilst remaining true to their authentic selves. 

Amazing book launch event held at the Haberdashery, Glasgow! 

A huge thanks to our wonderful compare Laurie Macpherson and fantastic interviewer Katie Drummond with author Tracey Chrystal.